Dahlfin II StatusCreated: June 7, 1996 |
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Ron and Bonnie Dahl have always been pretty adventuresome. Many years ago they were into camping and our family visited the Rockies, the West Coast, and the northern East Coast and Canada several times. They dragged two kids, a 12' fishing boat, a camper, and a 12' sailboat all over northern Wisconsin. Then about 24 years ago they sold the camper and bought a 30' sloop and named her the Dahlfin. They sailed the Dahlfin for 4 years and then bought a bigger boat, a Columbia 10.7 (35') designed by Alain Payne. For the last 20 years they have sailed Lake Superior and Lake Huron in the Dahlfin II. They have made many new friends over the years and written many articles and books on sailing the Great Lakes and having kids on board.
Now after years of preparation and getting the boat ready, they have retired and headed out the St. Lawrence Seaway, down the East Coast, and across the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas and beyond. Whenever they check in, I will update the logs and maps below so that their friends can keep track of them.
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-- Peter Dahl dahl@tehani.org